Course Records


The course record at Alice Springs Golf Club is 64 — set by local mem­bers Ker­ryn Heaver and lat­er matched by Leigh Shacklady.


The course record for a pro­fes­sion­al golfer is 65, set by Stu­art Apple­by.
This score was lat­er matched by David Diaz and David Iwasaki-Smith.


The course record for juniors (under 18) is 66, set by Andrius Belkus in the final round of the Aus­tralian Boys’ Ama­teur Cham­pi­onship, on 10 April 2009. The round sur­passed the pre­vi­ous junior record of 67, set by Adam Scott in 1997, the last time the Aus­tralian Boys’ Ama­teur was held in Alice Springs.


The course record for junior girls (under 18) is 70, set by Su-Hyun Oh in the first round of the Aus­tralian Girls’ Ama­teur Cham­pi­onship on 16 April 2009, and equalled short­ly after­wards by Jus­tine Lee, also in the first round of the Aus­tralian Girls’ Ama­teur Cham­pi­onship of the same year.
Su-Hyun Oh had the ear­li­er tee time by 36 min­utes, tee­ing off 4 groups ahead of Jus­tine Lee on the same nine. The score was equalled again by Saki Suzu­ki dur­ing the sec­ond round of the same tournament.