Championship Layout

The mag­nif­i­cent cham­pi­onship lay­out has large tee blocks, ful­ly grassed rolling fair­ways and huge well-bunkered putting greens set against the stun­ning nat­ur­al back­drop of the ancient Mac­Don­nell Ranges.

Per­fect for play­ers of all skill lev­els; social or com­pet­i­tive. Social bare­foot bowls have become increas­ing­ly pop­u­lar with our club mem­bers and guests, and it is essen­tial to book in advance.

The ful­ly-equipped club pro­vides a restau­rant and bars, a well-stocked pro-shop, and a flood­lit dri­ving range, putting green, bowl­ing green and a fenced chil­dren’s playground.

The Lawn Bowl­ing green at the Alice Springs Golf Club is also very well utilised, with the ASGC Bowls Club host­ing 3 Mem­bers Com­pe­ti­tions a week (Thurs, Sat & Sun) and with an evening social bare­foot bowls comp run­ning in Autumn and Spring (Tues & Thurs evenings). Vis­i­tors are most wel­come to par­tic­i­pate in Mem­bers comps, please vis­it the Lawn Bowls tab above for more info and con­tact details. 

Entry to the Alice Springs Golf Club is subject to the Code of Conduct which can be found here. Our Code of Conduct is relevant to members, staff, contractors, guests and all visitors to the club. 

Our club constitution can be found here


The Club reg­u­lar­ly plays host to the annu­al Alice Springs Open, the bien­ni­al Alice Springs Mas­ters Games, the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Ama­teur and North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Clas­sic, as well as numer­ous oth­er nation­al and cor­po­rate events.

Check out our 2024 Golf Program here

Rave Reviews

The Alice Springs course has earned rave reviews from golfers world­wide as a course of unique charm blend­ed with some sub­tle sever­i­ty. Accu­ra­cy is a must and even the bold­est hit­ters must har­ness their pow­er and replace it with dis­cre­tion to ensure a safe land­ing, rather than chal­lenge the men­ac­ing rocky out­crops which lurk at the edges of sev­er­al of the fairways.

Aus­trali­a’s golf­ing leg­end, Peter Thom­son, with his busi­ness part­ner, Michael Wolveridge, designed and con­struct­ed the course dur­ing the ear­ly 1980’s. It was recent­ly rat­ed 87 th best Pub­lic Course in Aus­tralia by Golf Aus­tralia Mag­a­zine 2022, and Golf Digest list­ed the 8 th as one of the 45 holes all golf lovers should play in Australia.