Dress Regulations

Mem­bers and their guests are expect­ed to present them­selves neat­ly and suit­ably attired both on the course and in the Club House. Per­sons not suit­ably attired will be asked to leave the premis­es on the author­i­ty of a mem­ber of staff or the Man­age­ment Com­mit­tee. It is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of a mem­ber to ensure his / her guest is suit­ably attired and aware of the dress rules

All cloth­ing includ­ing footwear and hats must be clean, neat and tidy and worn in the appro­pri­ate man­ner and not dis­play offen­sive slo­gans or adver­tis­ing motifs. Abbre­vi­at­ed box­er shorts, tee shirts, tank tops or sin­glets for men are not per­mit­ted. The course is a SOFT SPIKES only course and steel or hard spikes are not per­mit­ted on the course or any of the club environs.

Vis­i­tors and Guests

A mem­ber wish­ing to intro­duce a vis­i­tor or guest into a Sat­ur­day com­pe­ti­tion must have the con­sent of the Cap­tains or their rep­re­sen­ta­tives, the Club Pro­fes­sion­al or the Gen­er­al Man­ag­er. NO play­ing vis­i­tor shall have pri­or­i­ty over any oth­er Club Mem­ber and may only be intro­duced to play on four occa­sions in any one year.